The Duxbury RTC is hosting a candidate forum on Thursday February 15 where you will have an opportunity to hear political views of the candidates representing the Duxbury voters on the Mass State Committee. A panel discussion will follow where they will be asked to respond to both prepared questions and those from the audience. The Massachusetts Republican State Committee is the governing body of the Republican Party in Massachusetts.
On the Presidential primary ballot, Tuesday March 5th, voters will elect our district’s state committee woman and man. Early voting is encouraged and opens on Saturday February 24 thru Friday, March 1, 2024. [Vote by mail and request a ballot:]
Janet Fogarty, Incumbent National GOP and Mass GOP State Committeewoman
Lynne Santangelo, Vice Chair of the Norfolk County Republican Committee and Treasurer of the Weymouth RTC
Kristen Arute, Former Candidate for State Representative and Former Interim Hingham RTC Chair and Vice Chair
Representative David Decoste, Incumbent Mass State Committeeman
With special guest, Attorney Brian Glennon, Duxbury Selectman.
The forum will be held on Thursday, February 15, 2024, in the Merry Room at the Duxbury Free Library beginning at 5:45 PM. Please pass along to family, friends, and neighbors.